No One Can Explain Why Planes Stay in the Air
2020-01-04 15:00
I read your fascinating article ("No One Can Explain Why Planes Stay in the Air" - Ed Regis - If you wish, I am very eager to send you important information in this regard. I hope this material is liked by you and your esteemed readers.
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  • Management systems of internet of things in business area: an innovative approach to application of internet of things
    2019-01-13 14:00
    Rapid changes of sciences and technologies require changes proportional for all fields. Internet of things is a modern technology that is rapidly influencing all different aspects of life. Therefore, optimal application of this capacity seems ideal especially for creation of competitive advantage. Business is one of such cases that require updating. The present paper presents a new method to integrate business management systems and internet of things in order to meet above mentioned goal. Reviewing definitions, elements and grounds for business management systems and internet of things has led to an innovative method in business management and internet of things and it explains the structure and challenges explicitly in future. By reviewing available knowledge and based on results of other researchers, the present paper analyzed and promoted such knowledge and presented an innovative method in this direction. In conclusion, results have been presented based on available evidences. Results offer a strategy to create a smart optimal business that can bring about a very competitive advantage in future business.
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  • The present article, by presenting a new strategy based on the technologies and capabilities available in the field of information technology, especially with a special emphasis on IOT capabilities, addresses to issue of optimizing and agility of business processes, that lead to be smart And simplifing the entire process of a business from the stage of supplying the raw material to the customer stage (which will result in great benefits for the organization and its customers.)
    Therefore, in support of this idea and strengthening its structure, the review of previously published research and articles, mainly in the field of IOT, has been addressed.
    This article has been sent to 10 journals over the past 3 years (Business Horizons, Future Generation Computer Systems, Information and Management, Information Technology and Management, Scandinavian Journal of Management, European Journal of Information Systems, Futures, Information Processing & Management, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Information Technology), which has not been accepted for some reason (mainly due to non-compliance with the Journal scope), so in the 11th attempt, it is publicly released.